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Department of History and Archaeology


The undergraduate study program of the Department of History and Archeology lasts at least 8 semesters and includes two fields of study: a) specialization in History and b) specialization in Archeology and History of Art. The choice of direction is declared by the student at the Secretariat after the completion of the 4th semester of studies. The history and archeology courses aim at the interpretative approach to historical phenomena and the study of the material remains of human activity. See the Department's objectives for more details. The degree of the Department of History and Archeology of NKUA ensures Pedagogical and Teaching Proficiency to its graduates, so that they can be professionally absorbed in Secondary Education as well.

On 30-01-2019 the undergraduate study program (PPS) was certified as fully compliant with the principles of the PPS Quality Standard of the Authority for Quality Assurance and Certification in Higher Education (ADIP) and with the Quality Assurance Principles of the European Higher Education Area (ESG) 2015). The certification was based on the Report of the Certification Committee, which was made up of foreign university professors. You can also view the Department's internal evaluation reports (2017, 2009), external evaluation report (2010), annual activity reports (2013-2015) and the Quality Assurance Policy Statement.

Winter and spring semester program acad. year 2022-2023

According to the decision of the Dean's Office of the School of Philosophy at the meeting of 15-7-2022, the program of the academic year 2022-2023 is structured as follows:

Winter semester teaching period: 03/10/2022 - 13/01/2023

February exam period: 23/01/2023 - 17/02/2023

Spring Semester teaching period: 27/02/2023 - 09/06/2023

June exam period: 12/06/2023 - 07/07/2023

September exam period: 04/09/2023 - 29/09/2023


(Source:Decision for academic year 2022-2023)

Course timetable