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Department of History and Archaeology


In continuation of the instructions sent for the oaths of graduands of our Institution, as part of a good practice, at the request of our students, and regarding the recitating of the oath at the ceremonies of the graduands, please follow the following procedure:

It is a standard etiquette at the oath ceremonies of graduands of our Institution to recite both oaths (religious and political), in the case that some of the oath-takers do not wish to take a religious oath. It is pointed out that the Secretariats should be aware of such cases and should have arranged the matter in advance.

In detail:

  • In the case that the first graduand of the oth taking group wishes to take the religious oath, s/he pronounces it and the second in grade rank of the same group who wishes to take the political oath - or it may be the third or fourth in order, etc. - recites the political oath.
  • In the case that the first graduand of the oth taking group wishes to take the political oath, s/he pronounces it and the second in grade rank of the same groop, pronounces the religious oath.
  • In the case that oath takers  who wish to take a political oath are more than one, the oath is taken after the religious oath by the graduand with the highest grades in the specific group, namely the political oath takers.

Thank you for the cooperation.

The Head of the Directorate of Education and Research, NKUA

Anna Kypriadou