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Department of History and Archaeology


This policy is fully aligned with the quality policy of the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, committing the Department of History and Archaeology to provide high-quality education in both Greek and foreign languages to the students who choose it. The department organizes and implements Undergraduate, Graduate, and Doctoral Programs of high academic standards, aiming at significant added value in both the Greek and English languages, across the most important fields and areas of the sciences of the Department of History and Archaeology.

Furthermore, the Department of History and Archaeology aims to foster the development of a creative research environment, free scientific expression, and work for all its staff and members of its academic community. The Department is committed to the implementation of this quality policy in all Graduate Programs it currently offers and will offer in the future, carrying out the quality assurance processes prescribed by the Internal Quality Assurance System (IQAS) of the University, with the ultimate goal of continuous improvement.

Through this Quality Policy, the academic identity and direction of the Graduate Programs are reinforced, the goals and objectives are promoted, as well as the implementation of specific targets that are set annually, while defining the means and methods to achieve the above and ensuring the participation of interested parties in the evaluation and redesign processes.

Specifically, for the implementation of this policy, the Department of History and Archaeology commits to apply the quality assurance processes outlined in the Quality Handbook of the IQAS, and these are implemented at the level of the Department’s Programs of Study with the required specialization/customization for its Graduate Programs and in close cooperation with the Quality Assurance Unit of the University (MODIP).

All quality assurance processes for the Department of History and Archaeology’s Programs of Study are subject to monitoring, review, and evaluation, which are conducted annually by the Internal Evaluation Committee (IEC), in cooperation with the MODIP of the University. The processes that are applied for the monitoring and continuous improvement of the quality of the Graduate Programs are as follows:

  1. The Implementation of the Quality Assurance Policy, which includes specific quality assurance actions, aiming to create a framework within which the Undergraduate and Graduate Programs must operate.

  2. The Management and Administration of Resources of the Department through processes that contribute to the best choices, ensuring the creation of an appropriate environment for achieving the University’s goals for the provision of the necessary resources in terms of personnel, funding, infrastructure, and equipment, in order to function and continuously improve the effectiveness of the Programs of Study towards achieving the quality goals they set.

  3. The Setting of Quality Assurance Goals annually from all Undergraduate and Graduate Programs of the Department of History and Archaeology that operate or are about to start their operation within the academic year. The goals are selected after consultation and agreement by the administration. They are specific, measurable, and immediately observable annual quantitative and qualitative goals, which are evaluated by specific indicators. The achievement of these goals is considered crucial for improving the effectiveness of the internal functions (administrative, educational, research) of the Undergraduate and Graduate Programs.

  4. The Periodic Internal Evaluation and Monitoring on an annual basis of all Undergraduate and Graduate Programs of the Department of History and Archaeology in cooperation with and supported by the MODIP of the University. In all programs of study, internal evaluation and assessment of all processes implemented in them are conducted, in order to continuously identify elements and areas for improvement through the implementation of agreed improvements in collaboration with the MODIP to achieve the set goals, ultimately improving the Department’s study programs.

  5. The Collection of Quality Data: measuring, analyzing, and improving the study programs of the Department of History and Archaeology. Effective processes for data collection and analysis regarding the Graduate Programs (data on students, teaching staff, the structure and organization of courses, teaching, and the provision of services to students of the study programs, etc.) are applied and are fed with data from the University’s information system as well as from the internal information systems of the Departments and the University.

  6. The Dissemination of Information about the Study Programs of the Department of History and Archaeology. Through this specific process, all information related to the Study Programs is made immediately accessible, timely, and presented with objectivity and clarity. The existence of a specialized space on the Department's website for the promotion of the study programs, the existence of a special bilingual webpage for them, and the processes for checking and updating their content are ensured.

  7. The External Evaluation of the Study Programs of the Department of History and Archaeology. In all study programs of the Department of History and Archaeology, a process of periodic certification by the National Authority for Higher Education (NAHE) is applied, which is conducted through external evaluation processes by committees of independent experts.

The implementation of the above processes ensures: a) the appropriateness of the structure and organization of the Study Programs of the Department of History and Archaeology, b) that the learning outcomes and the qualifications derived from them of the graduates of the Study Programs aim to correspond to the highest possible degree with the European and National Framework of Qualifications for Higher Education level 7, c) the enhancement of the quality and effectiveness of the teaching work in the Study Programs of the Department of History and Archaeology through their monitoring by the Departmental Council or the Program Committee of Graduate Studies, the IEC, the administration of the Department of History and Archaeology, and the MODIP of the University, d) that the qualifications of the teaching staff, especially external collaborators, are appropriate for the education of graduate students, e) the integration, implementation, and review of specific annual quality goals for the improvement of the study programs, f) the level of employability of the acquired qualifications of graduates in the labor market through regular surveys of labor market needs and monitoring the career paths of graduates of the Study Programs, g) that the supportive services provided to graduate students—including those with disabilities—are of high quality, meeting their needs for effective monitoring, e.g., easily accessible and reliable administrative services and libraries, online services, scholarships, and student support services appropriate for the study programs, h) the effective utilization of the financial resources of the Study Programs derived from tuition fees to provide the necessary services to graduate students and facilitate the operation of the Programs within the facilities of the Department of History and Archaeology, as well as in any other necessary respects, e.g., field visits to locations outside the Department for their comprehensive education, i) the conducting of the annual internal evaluation and review of the quality assurance system for the Study Programs in cooperation with the IEC and the MODIP of the University.