Article 1. Purpose
The aim of the Department is the continuous improvement of the quality of educational and administrative services with a student-centered perspective, guided by the principles of transparency, integrity, and accountability. To this end, the Department has established an appropriate mechanism for handling student complaints and appeals, ensuring prompt and fair resolution with effectiveness and confidentiality, in accordance with the Internal Operating Regulations of EKPA.
Article 2. Scope of Application
The policy for handling complaints and appeals applies to all active students of the Department of History and Archaeology. This procedure addresses any form of complaint or appeal related to the quality of educational and administrative services provided by the Department. Before submitting a complaint or appeal, students must carefully study the Department's Student Guide, as well as the general operating regulations of the Institution, to clearly understand their rights and obligations. The current President of the Department is responsible for monitoring and ensuring the implementation of the complaint and appeal handling procedure. The details of complaints, results, and actions taken are recorded and stored in a specific secure location to maintain confidentiality, within the Department's Secretariat, and are used for improving the provided services.
Article 3. Policy for Handling Complaints and Appeals Submission Procedures
The Department implements specific stages for handling student complaints and appeals. At all stages of the resolution process, strict confidentiality of personal data for all involved parties is maintained, as defined by the applicable legislation.
In the case of Undergraduate and Postgraduate Programs of the Department, the competent bodies are the Council and the President of the Department, while in the case of Interdepartmental/Interinstitutional Postgraduate Programs (IMPs), where the Department of History and Archaeology is involved, the competent bodies are the Study Program Committee and the Director of the IMP.
The description of the handling process follows:
STAGE 1. Internal Informal Procedure
The student consults with a faculty member or administrative staff, depending on the nature of the complaint, in order to seek an immediate resolution to their issue. In this stage, the matter can be resolved between the two parties without third-party involvement or with mediation by a third party. If the issue is resolved, no further actions are required.
STAGE 2. Internal Formal Procedure
If the issue/complaint is not resolved through the informal procedure, a formal written complaint or appeal can be submitted, depending on the severity of the issue. The written complaint or appeal must be submitted by the student themselves and not by others. The procedure is described as follows:
Article 4. Right to be Informed
Once the handling of each complaint or appeal by the Department Council is completed within a reasonable timeframe, depending on the severity of the issue, the student is formally and in writing informed of the final decision regarding their issue.
Article 5. Other Ways and Procedures for Submitting Complaints and Appeals
Course Evaluation Questionnaires
Students have the opportunity, through the use of course evaluation questionnaires at the course level, as provided by the National Authority for Higher Education (NAAHE), to assess the performance of the Department and its teaching staff and express their concerns regarding possible shortcomings in service provision.
Student Advocate
The role of the Student Advocate is established by Article 55 of Law 4009/2011 to mediate between students and teaching or administrative staff of the Institution, addressing instances of mismanagement and aiming to uphold legality and the proper functioning of the Institution. The Student Advocate is responsible for the following matters:
The Student Advocate does not have jurisdiction over examination matters and student grading.
Gender Equality Committee
By a decision of the Assembly, the Gender Equality Committee (GEC) has been established at EKPA as an advisory body to the Assembly and the Administrations of Schools and Departments for promoting equality at all levels of operation and in all processes of academic life.
The GEC has the following responsibilities:
Article 6. Maintenance, Completion, and Amendment of Current Regulation
The current Regulation on the Operation of the Complaints and Appeals Handling Mechanism for Students was approved by the Assembly (session 8/24-1-2023) of the Department of History and Archaeology.
APPENDIX. Sample Complaint Submission Form
Protocol No.: …........................
To: The Secretariat of the Department of History and Archaeology/IMP …………………………………………
Full Name:
Student ID:
Year of Study:
Please briefly and clearly describe the problem you faced or your complaint regarding the services provided (educational, administrative, etc.).
Date, ....................................
Signature: ..................................
Privacy Notice
The personal data of students are processed for the purpose of addressing the submitted request/complaint, aimed at facilitating the student community and ensuring immediacy and effectiveness in meeting students' needs. EKPA takes all necessary measures to protect personal data.
I declare that I consent fully and unreservedly to the processing of my personal data for the purpose of handling this request.
I understand that confidentiality of communication is ensured, as provided by the Internal Regulation of EKPA and the applicable legislation.