The Postgraduate Study Program (PMS) "Modern and Contemporary History and History of Art" of the Department of History and Archeology of the NKUA was established in the academic year 2018-9 (Government Gazette 2060B/7.6.2018) and operates without tuition fees (Law 4485/2017 ).
The purpose of the program is to provide high-level postgraduate education in three specializations:
1) Modern and Contemporary Greek History: Greco-Venetian, Ottoman, modern Greek world,
2) European History,
3) History of Art.
The PMS leads to the award of a "Postgraduate Diploma in Modern and Contemporary History and History of Art" depending on the specialization chosen by the student. The titles are awarded by the Department of History and Archeology of the NKUA.
School of Philosophy, 4th floor (404), Zografou Campus 15784 Athens
Phone: 210 7277887 Fax: 210 7277426
Email: PMS-Hist-Arch[at]arch.uoa[dot]gr
Staff: C. Koukos (210 7277319) - D. Tsiotas (210 7277887)
Reception hours: Monday, Wednesday, Friday 11:00-14:00