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Department of History and Archaeology


Detailed information about student mobility under the ERASMUS+ program is provided by the ERASMUS+ Coordinator of the Department, the department's website, and the Department of European and International Relations of NKUA at the address

  1. Mobility for Studies
    Through the ERASMUS+ program, undergraduate and postgraduate students, as well as doctoral candidates, have the opportunity to attend part of their study program (specifically, courses they have defined, elective courses not offered in their study program, or to complete all or part of their thesis in one of the countries of the European Union or the rest of the world (ERASMUS+ International).

1.1 Basic Conditions for Participation in the ERASMUS+ Program
On the website of the Department of European and International Relations of NKUA (, on the department's website for the ERASMUS+ program (, and in the Student Guide, students can find information about the department's collaboration agreements with the respective universities to which they may apply for mobility.
Also, in the above websites, every March, the call for participation in the program for the following academic year is announced, along with the number of students from the department who can participate in mobility for that specific academic year.

1.2 Eligibility Conditions for Student Participation in the ERASMUS+ Program:
If certain students do not meet the following conditions, they cannot participate in the application and selection process, even if there are no other interested parties.

  1. Undergraduate students:
    • Must be enrolled at least in the second year of study at the time of application, and
    • Must have successfully passed at least as many courses as correspond to a specific academic year.
    • Students in their final year or who are about to graduate may only participate in the program if they have a sufficient number of courses remaining (at least 30 ECTS credits) to ensure a greater chance of course recognition from the host university's study program.
  2. Postgraduate students:
    • Must have successfully completed the first semester of their studies in the Master's program in which they are enrolled.
  3. The minimum required language proficiency level is set by NKUA, as part of ensuring the quality of mobility; proficiency in the language of instruction of the host university (or another language in cases where the university uses a different language for teaching foreign students) is required at least at the B2 level, according to the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages.
  4. If the bilateral agreement specifies a required language proficiency level higher than B2 (e.g., C1, C2), this level must be a condition for selection for that specific institution.
  5. Note: even if the host institution accepts students with a level below B2, this is not acceptable by NKUA.
  6. Language proficiency is verified exclusively with the presentation of the relevant diplomas. Students who do not hold the corresponding diploma when submitting their application to the academic responsible for mobility within the ERASMUS+ program are not eligible.
  7. Students declaring participation in the ERASMUS+ program retain the right in the same year to declare participation for study at the universities of the CIVIS alliance.
  8. Students who have already participated in the ERASMUS program for studies or internships are eligible to participate again in the new ERASMUS+ program, provided the total duration of their mobility does not exceed 12 months (combining the old and new duration) per study cycle, but will have lower priority in selection compared to students applying for mobility for the first time.
  9. Students from NKUA whose place of origin and permanent residence is in the country to which they wish to travel under the ERASMUS+ program have lower priority in selection.

1.3 Selection Criteria for the ERASMUS+ Student
The selection of students is conducted by the ERASMUS+ Coordinators of the Department, after consultation and cooperation with all academic responsible parties, and the support of the responsible staff member for ERASMUS+ in the Department's Secretariat.
Selection is based on the preferences of the universities they have declared (at least three) and the criteria listed below, which are weighted as follows:
For undergraduate students:

  1. Average grade: The average grade of the student in the courses they have successfully completed at the time of application for mobility under the ERASMUS program is calculated.
  2. Proficiency in the main language of instruction at the host university (B2 and above). (1 point per level of language proficiency)
  3. Proficiency in the second language of instruction at the host university (B2 and above). (1 point per level of language proficiency)
  4. Proficiency in the main language of instruction at the host university below B2 (0.5 points). This applies only in cases where a second language of instruction is provided for which applicants hold a certified proficiency level of at least B2.
  5. Knowledge of any additional language (in addition to the main and second language of instruction at the host university) at B2 level (0.5 points per level of language proficiency).

For postgraduate students of the A cycle:

  1. Bachelor's degree score.
  2. Average grade of the previous semester of studies.
  3. Proficiency in the main language of instruction at the host university (B2 and above). (1 point per level of language proficiency)
  4. Proficiency in the second language of instruction at the host university (B2 and above). (1 point per level of language proficiency)
  5. Proficiency in the main language of instruction at the host university below B2 (0.5 points). This applies only in cases where a second language of instruction is provided for which applicants hold a certified proficiency level of at least B2.
  6. Knowledge of any additional language (in addition to the main and second language of instruction at the host university) at B2 level (0.5 points per level of language proficiency).

For postgraduate students of the B cycle:

  1. Bachelor's degree score.
  2. Score of Master's diploma specialization.
  3. Proficiency in the main language of instruction at the host university (B2 and above). (1 point per level of language proficiency)
  4. Proficiency in the second language of instruction at the host university (B2 and above). (1 point per level of language proficiency)
  5. Proficiency in the main language of instruction at the host university below B2 (0.5 points). This applies only in cases where a second language of instruction is provided for which applicants hold a certified proficiency level of at least B2.
  6. Knowledge of any additional language (in addition to the main and second language of instruction at the host university) at B2 level (0.5 points per level of language proficiency).

1.4 Selection of ERASMUS+ Students
After examining the documentation of the candidates, students are awarded points and ranked for all host institutions they have selected and based on their respective three preferences.
Participation in the program is finalized only after the final review of the aggregated selection lists by the Department of European and International Relations of NKUA, and then the Secretariat of the Department of History and Archaeology is notified to publish the lists on the Department's website ( and to initiate the process of informing the host universities (nomination).
Selected students are informed by the Department of European and International Relations of NKUA about the further procedures they must follow, via email. Instructions are also available on the website of the Department of European and International Relations (
Selected students must immediately inform the relevant NKUA services about their acceptance or not of their mobility opportunity so that in case of rejection, a student from the list of alternates can be promptly called.

1.5 Recognition of Courses - Before Departure
The ERASMUS+ program for Studies provides and ensures the full recognition of the study period at the Host University. Selected students must subsequently prepare their study program with the assistance of the academic responsible persons who will sign the Learning Agreement to be sent to the Host Institution to ensure the recognition of the courses listed therein. The remaining process, required actions, and all relevant information are detailed on the website of the Department of European and International Relations (
The Learning Agreement of the student before their departure to the Host University must be approved by the academic responsible for the agreement, with the prior agreement of the faculty member teaching the relevant course. A course will not be recognized only in cases where it is not included in the Study Agreements and, of course, in the case where the student has not successfully completed the examinations or evaluation processes at the Host University.
Core or mandatory courses can be recognized if the instructor has reviewed the content of the course taught there and recommends positively to the General Assembly. The remaining courses that the student chooses are considered elective and recognized as electives of the Department if the student has successfully passed the examinations in the corresponding course.
The Learning Agreement can be modified while the student is in mobility if any of the courses initially declared are not offered. To avoid losing time in their studies, it is advisable for the courses they have attended and passed successfully to correspond to 30 ECTS credits for one semester or 20 ECTS for one trimester.

1.6 Course Recognition - Upon Return When the student returns, they must provide an official document from the host university that includes the titles of the courses, the grades obtained in the corresponding exams at the host university, the number of ECTS credits, and the ECTS grading scale or the percentage *100.n/N (where n is the number of students who have grades ≥ x for the specific course and N is the total number of students). This document must show the grades for ALL the courses they have selected (Pass or Fail), so it is evident that they participated in their exams.

2. Mobility for Internship The activity of student mobility for internships provides opportunities for undergraduate, postgraduate students, doctoral candidates, and recent graduates from all Departments of the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens to undertake an internship period at universities, research centers, businesses, and organizations in European countries participating in the ERASMUS+ program. The subject of the internship abroad must relate to the fields of study of the Department of History and Archaeology and the relevant postgraduate programs they organize or participate in. The internship should not be part of their thesis (undergraduate or postgraduate) or doctoral dissertation. In the case where the internship relates to research work, the student must integrate it into their goals and the work plan of the host institution.

More information can be found on the website of the Department of European and International Relations:

2.1 Basic Terms of Participation in the ERASMUS+ Program On the website of the Department of European and International Relations of EKPA, the student can find information about the cooperation agreements of the Department with the corresponding universities to which they can move.

2.2 Eligible Participants Eligible participants in the student mobility for internship are:

  1. Students (undergraduate, postgraduate, and doctoral candidates) enrolled in the Department, regardless of their academic year (from the 1st year of study), who maintain their student status and the date of selection of the students and announcement of results by the Department of European and International Relations of EKPA, which is responsible for approving the mobility.
  2. Recent graduates, who must be selected in their final year of studies (while maintaining their student status) and must complete their internship within a year after graduation (the date of announcement of their diploma from the Department). If the student loses their student status before their selection, their application is automatically canceled.

According to the provisions of Article 33 §12 of Law 4009/2011 (Official Gazette A 195/6-9-2011), the student completes their studies and is awarded a degree when they successfully complete the courses stipulated by their study program and gather the required number of credit units. Students in their final year of studies or on the verge of graduation should contact the Department Secretariat for further information regarding the maintenance of their student status.

It should be noted that students who have previously moved with the ERASMUS+ program for studies or internships are eligible to move again, provided that the total duration of mobility does not exceed twelve (12) months (including both previous and new periods) per study cycle. However, they will have lower priority in selection compared to students seeking mobility for the first time.

2.3 Eligible Periods for Internship Mobility The mobility for internships starts in October and can take place during the period from October to August of each academic year, in three (3) phases:

  • 1st phase: start of the internship any date within October-November
  • 2nd phase: start of the internship any date within January-February
  • 3rd phase: start of the internship any date within May-June.

The duration of the internship depends on the period that the student wishes to undertake (e.g., 2 months, 2.3 months, 3.5 months, 3.7 months, 4 months) but not later than August 31.

2.4 Duration of Internship Students have the opportunity to move for studies or internships for all study cycles (1st cycle: undergraduate studies, 2nd cycle: postgraduate studies, 3rd cycle: doctoral studies) from two (2) to twelve (12) months in each study cycle, regardless of the number of mobilities and the type of mobility (studies or internship). Furthermore, the duration of mobility for internship for recent graduates counts toward the maximum limit of twelve (12) months per study cycle during which they apply. The minimum duration of mobility for internship abroad is two (2) months. It should be noted that mobility for studies or internships without financial support (zero grant) as well as extensions of studies or internships without financial support (zero grant) are included in the maximum limit of twelve (12) months, per study cycle. However, at EKPA, the duration of mobility for internship with financial support is from two (2) to four (4) months.

2.5 Eligible Countries for Internship Mobility The student mobility activity for internships is implemented with physical presence in the following countries:

  • In EU member states participating in the ERASMUS+ program: Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, France, Germany, Denmark, Estonia, Ireland, Spain, Italy, Croatia, Cyprus, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Hungary, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Sweden, Czech Republic, Finland
  • In third countries associated with the program: Norway, Iceland, Liechtenstein, North Macedonia, Serbia, Turkey
  • In third countries not associated with the program: Andorra, San Marino, Vatican City, Monaco, Switzerland, United Kingdom, Faroe Islands
  • Within the framework of the ERASMUS+ program, internships cannot take place in Greece.

2.6 Eligible Hosting Organizations An eligible host organization can be any public or private organization that operates in the labor market or in the fields of education, training, youth, research, and innovation. More details on the types of eligible and non-eligible organizations can be found on the website of the Department of European and International Relations:

3. Implementation, Completion, and Revision of this Regulation This current regulation for student mobility under the ERASMUS+ program was approved by the Assembly (session 8/24-1-2023) of the Department of History and Archaeology.