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Department of History and Archaeology


Transfers for the acad. year 2024-25

For the circular of  transfers and the submission-procedure follow the link:


Transfers and Movements for the academic year 2024-25


According to the provisions of Articles 72 to 75 and 78 of Chapter B' of Law 4692/2020 (A' 111) and the decisions numbered 142413/Z1/19.10.2020 (B' 4617) and 148236/Z1/30.10.2020 (B' 4806) by the Deputy Minister of Education and Religious Affairs, this system pertains to students of Higher Education Institutions (A.E.I.) and Higher Ecclesiastical Academies (A.E.A.) who have enrolled in Departments of A.E.I. and A.E.A.

- either through their success in the national examinations of General Lyceum (G.E.L.) or Vocational Day or Evening Lyceum (E.P.A.L.)
- or through exercising their right of access (admission to 10% of the available places in each Department, School, or Introductory Direction without new examinations, based on their score in the last examination of the nationally examined subjects, special subjects, and practical tests for access to higher education)
- or through the use of the right of access to higher education without examinations, for those suffering from serious health conditions, based on their graduation score and at a rate of 5% above the number of admitted students
- or as Greek citizens of the Muslim Minority of Thrace who were admitted at an increased rate of places above the number of admitted students, according to the provisions of decision number F. 151/20049/B6/2007 (B' 272) by the Minister of National Education and Religious Affairs as amended and in force
- or as students of Cypriot origin who were admitted at an increased rate of places above the number of admitted students, according to the provisions of decision number F. 151/20049/B6/20-2-2007 (B' 272) by the Minister of National Education and Religious Affairs as amended and in force.


Eligible candidates must use their institutional account username and password to access the Electronic Application for online submission of the transfer application, through which they are authenticated in the Identification and Authorization Infrastructure of E.D.Y.T.E.

For the online submission of the application, the applicant will be required to fill in their contact details, ID or passport number, and if they wish to be assessed based on income criteria, their personal tax identification number (AFM) and social security number (AMKA), as well as the AFM of their parents/guardians or spouse if they are married. It is emphasized that the submitted electronic transfer application also serves as a responsible declaration in accordance with Law 1599/1986 (A' 75).

Please ensure secure logout from the service.

Always use the "Logout" function from the application after completing your tasks to prevent unauthorized access to your services after you leave the computer. If you are not using your personal computer (e.g., you are in an Internet café or using a shared office or lab computer), to avoid recording your online activity, use the "InPrivate Browsing" feature. If your browser does not support InPrivate browsing, use the option to clear personal data or alternatively, close all your browser windows.

All interested must visit the special applications at the elctronic address (or throgh the Ministry website) in order to submit their application electronically.                                                        

The relevant circular is HERE